Introductory Architectural Notes

In the trade, we refer to the wallet as the protocol manager for a given system, such as e-gold, SOX/Ricardo, E-protocol, Mondex, etc. Webfunds strives to permit multiple wallets to exist underneath it, and offers the user a coherent interface.

For ourselves, we refer to the plugin as the application that gets plugged in to the top, using the cash management capabilities of the system, perhaps provided by multiple wallets. Here, we would be referring to plugins for u2u, retail, loyalty, auctions.

            +------+   +-------+   +-------+   +------+  
            | u2u  |   |auction|   |loyalty|   |retail|  
          +-|plugin|---|plugin |---|plugin |---|plugin|---+
          | |      |   |       |   |       |   |      |   |
          | +------+   +-------+   +-------+   +------+   |
          |                                               |
          |     c o r e    W e b F u n d s    a p p l     |
          |                                               |
          |    c o m m o n    c a p a b i l i t i e s     |   
          |                                               |
          |G U I - n e t - D B - P K I - c o n t r a c t s|
          |                                               |
          |     +------+   +------+   +------+   +------+ | 
          |     | SOX  |   |E-gold|   |Mondex|   |  E   | | 
                |      |   |      |   |      |   |      |
                +------+   +------+   +------+   +------+

Of course, it gets confusing, as the terms are not settled. For example, many systems refer to the entire application as a wallet, and if it is a plugin into Netscape, that confuses the issue ever more.


Ricardo terminology follows.


An Application is a programme that does something. For example,


A Wallet is a module offering payments of a particular type and technology. E.g., SOX wallet can do SOX payments and deposits.

There are two other wallets in preparation for WebFunds, which will be better described once complete. Both of these are likely to be extensions of the SOX Wallet.

Each Wallet conforms to the interface located in webfunds/client/ In the case of the SOX wallet, the module is at webfunds/client/sox/

The SOX Wallet will probably change to insert a GUI-free wallet (and internal interface) in something like webfunds/soxwallet or webfunds/sox/wallet. Then, the original SOXWallet will add the GUI stuff to the new GUI-free wallet. This is a precondition for non-GUI exporters working with SOX (merchant applications like Teller).

Item, Contract, Instrument

These terms may sometimes mean the same thing:

So, an issue like DigiGold might be an instrument, a contract, and an item, depending on the context.

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